

澳门足彩app gave life to a vision for converting two historic buildings into an innovative distillery.

Brin杜松子酒g ultra-modern, high-proof spirits production to century-old structures.

在明登的小飞地, 内华达, 南太浩湖的一个山口, Bently Heritage set out to fulfill a vision for farm-to-flask spirits production. At the center of this vision were two historic buildings in the heart of Minden, 每一个都超过100岁. 它们曾经被用作谷物磨坊和乳品厂, the two facilities needed to be updated and converted to manufacture high-proof spirits, 包括伏特加, 杜松子酒, 白兰地和威士忌. Outfitting these historic structures with miles of process piping and equipment required a high level of skill and industry knowledge, 所以本特利遗产公司才会来哈斯克尔.


我们组建了一个全明星建筑师团队, 工程师, 项目经理, a certified master distiller and a range of other subject matter experts to execute this one-of-a-kind project. 这个团队参观了50多个不同的酿酒厂, breweries and suppliers to generate a library of industry best practices for process design and installation. 我们的设计范围包括一个干粮输送系统, 高强度蒸馏系统, 烈酒调配系统, 装桶和吐槽, 两个碱式CIP系统以及公用事业系统, 控制和自动化技术,以支持过程. 拥有四个独立操作的蒸馏系统, 酿造单一麦芽威士忌和美国威士忌, brandy and clear spirits is driven by a complex network that includes more than 10 miles of piping, 40英里的控制电缆, 1800年阀门, 80艘船, 以及传统和非传统的老龄化环境.

以协调设计, 采购ment and installation of all the necessary equipment as well as the subcontractors and other stakeholders involved in the project execution, 澳门足彩app使用了详细的Master Program Schedule, 沟通流程图, 和复杂的角色 & 职责矩阵.

虚拟设计 & 建设(VDC)防止了代价高昂的冲突.

The density of piping and equipment in these historic buildings made accuracy critical. 哈斯克尔的虚拟设计 & 建设(VDC) group integrated models from all disciplines to ensure the constructability of the building and processing systems prior to installation. 利用建筑信息模型(BIM),我们分析了80多个过程 & 仪器仪表图(P)&id), 300多个设备数据表和350多个工艺图纸. This was critical time-saving technology to detect potential clashes when trying to retrofit two existing structures with a complex process system.

A unique challenge resulted in a one-of-a-kind legacy landmark for high-proof spirits distillation.

与本特利遗产的团队合作, 以及来自世界各地的供应商和供应商, 澳门足彩app helped infuse a national landmark with 21st-century infrastructure that will set a new standard for sustainable production.

  • Unique EPC project to convert a 100+-year-old historic grain mill and dairy creamery into a distillery for multiple high proof spirits
  • 使用角色管理复杂的多合作伙伴范围 & 职责矩阵
  • 设计 included both process and material handling systems for dry grain conveyance, 烈酒的蒸馏和调配, 装桶和吐槽, 和CIP系统
  • 额外的工具, controls and automation were also added to the design to support the process systems
  • 运用建筑信息模型(BIM)协调管理80+ P&id, 300多个设备数据表,350多个工艺图纸
  • / 3,000+ submittals were reviewed and processed in order to find the best vendors to 采购 the 3100+ process devices needed for the project
  • 施工人员安装了超过10英里的管道, 40英里的控制电缆, 1800 +的阀门, 500 +工具, 70多个不锈钢储罐, 还有很多其他因素
  • LEED金牌认证
业务发展、规划副总裁 & 发展


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